Reverts the card or background picture to a version you previously preserved with the "Keep" item above. Saves a version of the card or background picture for a possible later revert. Works only as long as you don't change cards. Saves only the layer—card or background—that you're editing. Makes selected paint transparent so that you can see through white card layer paint to what's behind it on the background. Makes selected paint opaque so that you can't see through white card layer paint to what's behind it on the background. Tip: While using paint tools, use option-"o" to see an inverted view of all opaque paint. Flips a selected picture horizontally about its center. Flips a selected picture vertically about its center. Rotates a selected picture 90 degrees clockwise. Rotates a selected picture 90 degrees counterclockwise. Creates an outlined picture from the solid black parts of a selected picture. Lightens a paint selection by randomly turning some of its black pixels to white. Darkens a paint selection by randomly turning some of its white pixels to black. Uses the paint selection as a "cookie cutter" stamp. When you drag the selection over some other paint and then choose this item, the underlying paint is imprinted onto the selection. You drag the selection elsewhere to see the result. Inverts a paint selection: changes black pixels to white and white to black. Fills a paint selection with the current pattern. Tip: Use this item right after painting something to fill it with the current pattern. Selects the entire card or background picture. This item is a shortcut for selecting the entire card or background picture with the rectangular selection tool. Selects all card or—if you're editing the background layer—background paint. This item is a shortcut for lasso-selecting all card or background paint. Tip: Use this item right after painting something to select it. Applies this operation to a picture. Not available because there's no paint selection. Paint menu Use this menu to select or manipulate paint on the card or background. Also use it to save your painting temporarily or revert to a previously saved version.